Showing 76 - 100 of 269 Results
A letter to Isaac Tomkins and Peter Jenkins on primogeniture: [Suggested by "Thoughts on the... by Winterbottom, Henry Brougha... ISBN: 9781113282521 List Price: $15.75
Eulogy on the Life and Services of Henry Clay by Jones., Jenkins ISBN: 9781113322609 List Price: $14.75
Makers Of American History: John Caldwell Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay (1905) by Jenkins, John Stilwell, Eve... ISBN: 9781120639929 List Price: $37.95
Textual Poachers by Jenkins, Henry ISBN: 9780415905718 List Price: $95.00
What Made Pistachio Nuts? Early Sound Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic by Jenkins, Henry ISBN: 9780231078542 List Price: $66.00
Gold Rush Voyage on the Bark Orion From Boston Around Cape Horn to San Francisco, 1849-1850 by Jenkins, Foster H., Bradley... ISBN: 9780870621253 List Price: $18.25
Henry Goulburn, 1784-1856 A Political Biography by Jenkins, Brian ISBN: 9780773513716 List Price: $95.00
Henry Smith England's Silver-Tongued Preacher by Jenkins, R. B. ISBN: 9780865540774 List Price: $10.95
Science Fiction Audiences Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek by Tulloch, John, Jenkins Henry ISBN: 9780415061407 List Price: $114.95
Just Us Overcoming and Understanding Homicidal Loss and Grief by Henry-Jenkins, Wanda, Boldt... ISBN: 9781561230594 List Price: $7.95
Heroes Of Faith: A Study Of A Chapter From The Greek New Testament (1896) by Jenkins, Burris, Thayer, Jo... ISBN: 9781120292179 List Price: $16.95
Makers Of American History: John Caldwell Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay (1905) by Jenkins, John Stilwell, Eve... ISBN: 9781120840714 List Price: $52.95
Second Report of the Royal Commissioners On Technical Instruction, Volume 2 by Jenkins, Henry Michael, Gre... ISBN: 9781144133281 List Price: $42.75
Bridges, an Elementary Treatise On Their Construction and History. Britannica by Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming ISBN: 9781141594733 List Price: $17.75
The Heart of the Commonwealth (Volume 2) by Howland, Henry Jenkins ISBN: 9781152933927 List Price: $13.16
The Heart of the Commonwealth, Or, Worcester As It Is: Being a Correct Guide to All the Publ... by Howland, Henry Jenkins ISBN: 9781145385504 List Price: $20.75
Second Report of the Royal Commissioners On Technical Instruction, Volume 4 by Great Britain. Royal Commis... ISBN: 9781145915312 List Price: $41.75
Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1878: Chemical... by Knight, Edward Henry ISBN: 9781147422276 List Price: $50.75
Scenes from the Agamemnon, Tr. Into Engl. Verse by L. Campbell, Selected and Arranged for th... by Aeschylus, Jenkin, Henry Ch... ISBN: 9781147701715 List Price: $17.75
The Heart of the Commonwealth by Howland, Henry Jenkins ISBN: 9781155073187 List Price: $13.16
The Heart Of The Commonwealth: Or Worcester As It Is (1856) by Howland, Henry Jenkins ISBN: 9781437172829 List Price: $20.95
Wow Climax Tracing the Emotional Impact of Popular Culture by Jenkins, Henry ISBN: 9780814742839 List Price: $24.00
Colchester Castle not a Roman Temple: being a review of "A Lecture on Colchester Castle, by ... by Edward Lewes Cutts, Henry J... ISBN: 9781241350789 List Price: $17.75
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